Apostolic Revelation: Decisions

Apostolic Revelation: Decisions is a book and a course designed to start you on your new journey as God has called you. It is a foundational work, where God builds the foundation. The stronger your foundation, the stronger your walk. You will find that you can withstand greater when rooted strongly on solid ground. Let's go higher together!

A Walk with Christ

When Jesus walked the earth, He showed us what it truly meant to be human. In that walk, He showed us how to walk with power and in victory. God is calling all of us to that.

If you've ever felt that there is more God is trying to teach you, but you haven't been able to find it, this is where you should begin. This is a class inspired and ordered by the Holy Spirit. God is demonstrating intentionality concerning you.

God is answering the many prayers that have gone up, and I am thankful that you have chosen to step further into what God has for you.

God is Calling Us to Work

The the disciples went out to cast out demons, heal the sick, and do other miracle work, they moved on the foundation Jesus built. Are you ready to strengthen your foundation?

God is Calling Us to Enjoy What We Do for Him

When we are walking in purpose, with a strong foundation, it is easy to enjoy the work. For too long, many have been stressed, and that is simply because they are balancing on an uneven foundation while trying to do the work. Are you ready to stop worrying about your legs and simply run this enjoyable race? Let's build the foundation together.

God is Calling Us to Proclaim

Whether we are preaching in the pulpit, or preaching on the street, or preaching in our homes, God is building us to preach with boldness and with confidence. It is the foundational work that keeps us steady. Are you ready?

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The Curriculum

  Starting Your New Journey with Decisions
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